New features
Reports: When exporting a Test Report or an Assignment Report, a View submission link is now available on the Excel sheet, so that you can easily be redirected to the user’s submission in a web browser. (No log in to TalentLMS required.)
Reports: When exporting a User Report, or a Course report, a link is now available to download a user’s certificate, provided that the user has earned at least one certification.
Custom reports: New rule Have been assigned to a course within a period of time: Now you can easily see the users that have been assigned to a course within a specific period of time.
- Automations: New automation Z hours after X course completion, deactivate user Y: Now you are provided with the option of automatically deactivating a user once Z hours have passed from the moment the user completed a specific course.
- Tests: Now you can choose whether feedback is visible to learners and under which circumstances.
- Certifications: Until recently, you could re-assign a course to users from the course info page upon certificate expiration. You now have 2 more options: a) one week before certification expiration and b) 30 days before certification expiration. You can find more information here.
- Test exports now include the results from all attempts.
- When you have chosen for units to be shown In any order and learners fail a test, they are now able to proceed to the next unit by clicking “Not passed. Let’s continue”.
- Now when a test unit is manually completed for a user, and the user has not submitted the last attempt, a new attempt is created with all the answers set as correct.
- The test success/failure screen notation has been updated.
- Now when a user fails a test, and the completion rules have been set to the option When all units are completed, the course is marked as failed only when the user has submitted all test attempts. You can find more information here.
- Automations: The automation Z hours after course X assignment, assign course(s) Y now includes a filter option. You can now limit users of specific groups/branches.
- The new HTML5 version of BigBlueButton has been added as an option to the Integrated video conferencing tool.
- The GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar/GoToTraining integration has been updated in order to better comply with GoToMeeting/GoToWebinar/GoToTraining Terms of Service.
- The Zoom integration has been updated in order to better comply with Zoom’s Terms of Service.
- The Zoom password feature is now optional, so you can decide whether you want to generate a password for your ILT session or not.
Gamification: The gamification leaderboard has been redesigned to keep users even more engaged and motivated throughout their training. You can find more information here.
- The ILT-related notifications now contain a smart tag for the ILT unit URL.
- The time spent on ILT units is now calculated based on the ILT duration.
- Learners are now able to join a videoconference/ILT session up to 15 minutes after the session has started. You can find more details here.
- Instructors are now able to add a new ILT session directly from the Calendar within the ILT unit.
- Timezones: Our Timezone list has been expanded and more timezones are now available for users
- We have updated our codebase to comply with the cookies' SameSite attribute policy of the latest Google Chrome update.
- In the e-Commerce timeline, you are now able to see the name of the coupon that users have used to purchase courses.
- You are now able to add up to 100 overrides on your portal.
- In Certificates, the limit of background images has been increased to 1000 images.
- SCORM, Survey, and Test reports can now be filtered by groups.
- The automation Deactivate a user if Z hours have passed and the user has not made a purchase will also be applied to users that have purchased a course with a 100% discount coupon.
- On SCORM units, when uploading a new version of a SCORM file, you are now provided with the option of resetting bookmarks, in order for both the suspend data and the lesson location to be reset for all users who have already started taking the unit.
- When users are synced over from BambooHR to TalentLMS, the Job Title is now populated into a custom user field.
- The Course Store has been improved based on internal and customer feedback.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the reset password link was not expiring if a new one was issued.
- Fixed an issue where instructors were not able to integrate with Zoom, if their user-type did not have the option for creating units enabled.
- Fixed an issue where xAPI endpoints were failing and the xAPI content could not be loaded.
- Fixed an issue where the course rating was copied when cloning a course.
- Fixed an issue where the placeholder for the site URL was returning the TalentLMS URL over Http on a specific notification.
- Fixed an issue where an error was shown when recorded videos were uploaded to the portal using Chrome v.81.
- Fixed an issue where Administrators were able to update (and delete) SuperAdmins.
- Fixes an issue with long titled categories on the Course Catalog.
- Fixed an issue where Administrators and Instructors were not able to delete courses.
- Fixed an issue where the discount that had been applied to paid courses was not visible on the Featured Courses section on the external homepage.
- Fixed an issue where audio submissions could not be played within the portal.
- Fixed an issue with the screen share feature for BigBlueButton.
- Fixed an issue with resuming on xAPI units.
- Fixed a minor UI issue on Infographics.
- Fixed an issue where Notification smart tags were not visible for a specific event.
- Fixed an issue where the BigBlueButton certificate was expired.
- Fixed an issue where the print test option was not visible unless the “Show score” option was enabled.
- Fixed an issue where the daily Google API limit for YouTube videos was breached.
- Fixed a UI issue in Reports with multiple custom fields.
- Fixed an issue for internal CMS pages that were preventing guest users from accessing the pages after login.
Mobile apps
- Incompatible unit types can now be rendered as webpages and viewed on mobile. To enable this option, follow the steps described in this article.
- Massively improved support for many types of content, such as SCORM units and HTML-based content (iOS only).
- Greatly improved search experience. You can now search for courses, units, and files, all in one place.
- Improved support for tablets and large screens.
- Redesigned messages and discussions.
- Dutch localization is now available.
- Improvements to stability and responsiveness.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where special characters on Discussions were parsed incorrectly.
- Fixed an issue where users were able to proceed to the next unit after failing a test, although the option “Abandon immediately whenever cannot pass" was enabled on Test Settings.
- Fixed an issue where an error message was preventing learners from accessing their courses.