If you have chosen to let your potential users sign up by themselves, you can add an extra validation step in the form of a Captcha challenge-response test.
Here’s how:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator and go to Home > Account & Settings (1).
2. Go to the Users (2) tab and, from the Signup drop-down list, choose Direct (3).
3. In the User verification (4) field, select CAPTCHA verification, CAPTCHA + Email verification, or CAPTCHA + Admin activation from the drop-down menu.
The user verification drop-down menu offers the following options related to CAPTCHA:
- CAPTCHA verification: ensures that users are humans and not computers by using stretched letters and numbers.
- CAPTCHA + Email verification: when selecting this option, a CAPTCHA is added to the signup form, and any new account that’s created must verify their email address before they can access the portal.
- CAPTCHA + Admin Activation: with this option, a CAPTCHA is added to the signup form, and any new account is created with an inactive status. An administrator needs to activate the user’s account in order for them to access the portal.
4. Click Save to update your portal.