TalentLMS lets you view and download test results as Excel files to share in physical or digital form.
Here’s how:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator, go to Reports > Test reports and open a test you’d like a report on (1).
2. Click Export in Excel (2) to download the report on your device.
3. Open the file and you’ll get:
a) An overview of the questions and how answers are distributed.
b) Details on each submission by a user, with their name, email, date of completion, time spent in the unit until it was completed, score, status and number of attempts.
Note: Test reports keep a total of seven attempts per user and test unit - we keep a) the first attempt b) the last attempt c) 5 archived attempts in between. Whenever a new attempt is made, the oldest archived attempt from b) is deleted, so a total of 7 attempts is kept. When a test unit is manually completed for a user by the instructor and the user has not submitted the last attempt of the test, a new attempt is created with all the answers set as correct. |
c) Link to each user test submission. Click View submission (3) to see the test submission of a user in a web browser (no log in to TalentLMS required).
d) A timeline with the actions of the learners that took the test.