Note: To read about how to reset the gamification statistics of your users in the new interface, click here. |
If necessary, TalentLMS lets you reset the total gamification statistics of your users, either across your portal or just within a specific group or branch.
Here’s how:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMs account as Administrator and go to Home > Account & Settings.
2. Go to the Gamification tab and click Reset statistics (1).
3. On the dialog box that pops up, click the Reset(2) drop-down list to choose whether you want to reset All statistics or just your users’ Points, Badges or Levels.
4. Click the In group or branch (3) drop-down list to choose whether you want to apply this to All users or just the members of one of your groups or branches.
5. Click Reset to complete the process.
Note: The Reset statistics action cannot be undone. |