TalentLMS lets you reset a user’s progress in a specific test or survey, if necessary.
Here’s how to do it:
A. In tests
To reset the progress of one user, you’ll need to:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator and go to Home > Reports (1).
2. On the right-hand panel, click Test reports.
3. Go to the page of the test you want to reset user progress for.
4. Locate your preferred user and click the reset symbol (2) in the Operations column.
To reset the progress of multiple users in a specific test follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator and go to Home > Reports (1).

2. On the right-hand panel, click Test Reports.
3. Find the test where you’d like to reset user progress. In the Options column, click the reset symbol (2).

1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator and go to Home > Reports (1).
2. On the right-hand panel, click Test Reports.
3. Find the test where you’d like to reset user progress. In the Options column, click the reset symbol (2).
4. From the pop-up window, choose to reset either not passed submissions or all completed attempts.
5. Hit Reset (3).

5. Hit Reset (3).
B. For Surveys
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator and go to Home > Reports (1).

2. On the right-hand panel, click Survey reports (2).
3. Click on the survey where you'd like to reset user progress.
4. Find the user whose progress you'd like to reset. In the Operations column, click the reset symbol (3).