To make your tests more engaging, TalentLMS lets you enhance the questions with audio or video content.
Here’s how to embed an audio file into a question:
Note: To embed a video file simply follow the same process. It’s not a straightforward one, so pay close attention to the guidelines below. |
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Instructor and go to the page of the course you want to update.
2. Click Add and, from the drop-down list, choose Audio (1).
3. Type a Unit name and upload your audio file.
4. On the editor toolbar click the code symbol (2) to switch to HTML mode.
5. From the code area, note down the audio iframe code snippet (i.e., <iframe class=”audio-frame” ...>...</iframe>).
6. Click Cancel.
Note: When you click Cancel, the audio unit is discarded, but your uploaded audio file stays in place (i.e., in the course files) unless you delete it manually. |
7. Back on the course content page, point to a test unit and click edit.
8. Click the question you want to modify.
9. On the editor toolbar, click the code symbol (3) to switch to HTML mode.
10. On the code area, paste the audio iframe code snippet (i.e., <iframe class=”audio-frame” ...>...</iframe>).
11. Click Save to update your question.
12. Click the preview symbol in the Operations column to preview your questions and check if your audio file has been added successfully.