Note: To read about how to reset or manually complete specific content units for a user in the new interface, click here. |
TalentLMS gives you the ability to reset or complete a specific unit for a user in 3 different ways after you have updated the course content:
1. Through the User reports:
- Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator.
- Go to Reports > Users.
- Select the user you want to reset or complete a specific unit for.
- Move to the Courses (1) tab and click the user's Progress (2) next to the corresponding course.
- On the pop-up that appears, hover over the unit you’d like to change the progress on and select the related option that appears (3) (reset for completed units or complete for units that do not have any progress).
2. Through the Course reports:
- Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator.
- Go to Reports > Courses.
- Select the course you’d like to reset or complete a specific unit in.
- Move to the Users (1) tab and click the user's Progress (2) next to the corresponding user.
- On the pop-up that appears, hover over the unit you’d like to change the progress on and select the related option (3) (reset for completed units or complete for units that do not have any progress).
3. Through the Users & Progress tab in a course:
- Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Instructor.
- Go to the course you’d like to reset or complete a specific unit in.
- On the right-hand panel, click Users & Progress (1).
Click the user's progress (2) next to the related user.
- On the pop-up that appears, hover over the unit you’d like to change the progress on and select the related option (3) (reset for completed units or complete for units that do not have a progress).