If you choose to allow users to take a test multiple times, TalentLMS lets you view each one of a user’s most recent attempts.
First, here’s how to allow multiple attempts for a course test:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Instructor and go to the page of the course that contains the test you want to update.
2 Point to your test and click edit.
3. On the right-hand panel, click Test options.
4. If not checked, check Allow repetitions (if not passed) in the Repetitions (1) section.
5. If necessary, check Maximum number of attempts and type your preferred value in the respective field (2).
Note: You can also set a delay interval between attempts (in minutes), by clicking control delay between attempts (2). |
6. Click Save and view to update your test settings.
To view each of your user’s attempts to pass your test, follow these steps:
1. Return to the course page (as Instructor), and click Reports on the right-hand panel.
2. Go to the Tests tab and click the test you have allowed multiple repetitions for.
Note: To do the same as Administrator, go to Home > Reports > Test reports and click the test you have allowed multiple repetitions for. |
3. Pick a user and click the details symbol in the Options column.
4. On the dialog box that pops up, there’s a drop-down list of the user’s attempts. Click and choose the attempt you want to review (3).
Note: The system stores the first plus up to six most recent attempts. |