Note: To read more about how to change a user's course completion status, click here. |
To change a user’s status:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Instructor and go to the page of the course you want to update.
2. On the right-hand panel, click Users & Progress (1).
3. In the Options column, hover your mouse and choose one of the following options for each user:
Click the reset symbol (2) to reset a user’s progress in the course. To reset progress for all users at once, just click the Reset all (3) button.
Click the complete symbol (4) to complete a course for a specific user manually. If needed, change the enrollment/completion dates on the dialog box that pops up.
Click the sync symbol (5) to update a user's progress when you have added new content to the course. Synchronization revokes the Complete status for users that have completed the course but haven’t completed the new units.
To update all the users’ progress at once, just click the Synchronize all (6) button.
A pop-up shows up and gives you the option to not sync for users that have completed the course (7). This way they won't lose their completion status. Click Synchronize when you’re ready.
Note: When you go over a course you’ve created as an instructor to test it, you’re provided with the option to reset your progress on each individual unit. Click the drop-down symbol next to the Completed. Let’s continue button below the unit, and click Reset unit (1) to reset your progress. That’s quite useful, for example, when testing different unit completion criteria. |