- New support system:
This version introduced a brand-new support system. We also took the time to extend our in-app help system in various ways, including "context-aware” suggestions (the system prioritizes support articles based on your current URL) and brand-new support videos. - New onboarding and sample courses:
We have rebuilt all sample courses and extended the onboarding procedure. - Micro-stats on all report pages:
This version adds micro-stats to all report pages. This addition helps you understand at a glance the learning status of your users or the learning progress over certain groups/branches. - Improved search:
This version offers improved search functionality and a dedicated search results page. - Various ILT improvements, including ILT export:
We have made various improvements in the ILT subsystem. Also, you can now export a complete report on the status of an ILT (including its sessions). - Absolute discounts on coupons:
On top of percentage discounts, you can now offer absolute discounts (e.g., $5) to your users. - Videos and timer sync:
You can now opt to synchronize the video with the timer on uploaded videos that are completed via a timer. Whenever a user stops the timer, the video will also pause, and vice versa. Additionally, whenever the user changes tabs or apps, the video will automatically pause. - Option to prevent sync for completed users:
Up to now, a course resync would change the status of all completed users as well. You can now prevent that. - Added a security option to use HTML viewer for presentations/documents:
PDFs will become embedded docs, while office docs will be downloadable files. - Warning on purchase of restricted courses:
A warning has been added to inform users about prerequisites when they’re about to purchase a course that is dependent on other courses. - Branches:
Added a description field for branches. - New time zone added:
Colombia time zone. - Various UI improvements:
- We have updated the mechanism of in-app messages
- We have updated all placeholders for empty pages
- We have improved the copy across the product
- Other improvements:
- End users with subscriptions can modify their CC
- Course score can be imported
- Test question analysis is now based on the last and not the first 750 executions
- Added First name L. as a format for showing users
- Improved Certifications’ re-sync so that they are updated with current user data
- Small improvements on the Themes page
- Free plans can now upload up to 100 MB of data
- Updated social login icons
- Added task id for our video conversions to easily track problematic cases
- Extended limit of allowed files in SCORM modules to 15000
Bug Fixes
- Bug fixed where no video recording was being generated for ILT sessions with BigBlueButton.
- Bug fixed where SVG images were not loading on SCORM modules.
- Bug fixed where SSO with TalentLMS from Salesforce was not working using our Salesforce app.
- Bug fixed where access to courses was prevented with an error message that stated that the prerequisites had not been completed.
- Bug fixed where the total training time on portal infographics was not calculated correctly.
- Bug fixed where a 504 error was produced when importing users.
- Bug fixed where the system was not properly recording the time SCORM modules reported.
- Bug fixed where autoplay on audio units was not working.
- Bug fixed where on drag-and-drop questions couples were breaking.
- Bug fixed where the course average score was not correctly calculated.
- Bug fixed where there was an error caused when users were submitting their test attempt.
- Bug fixed where access to content streamed from CDN was expiring after 1 hour of inactivity.
- Bug fixed where entering 0 as an answer on a free text question was not considered an answer.
- Bug fixed where invitations to shared courses were not being sent.
- Bug fixed where special characters in the title of a course were causing problems to the download of the certification.
- Bug fixed where the statuses on buttons were not updating.
- Bug fixed where “Excluded from emails” users were not appearing in the recipients' list for internal messages.
- Bug fixed where adding a user to a branch or group was not working when using assignment notifications on the branch or group, respectively.
- Bug fixed on UI where the file upload button in assignments wouldn’t remain in a stable position.
- Bug fixed where created events in discarded ILT units were appearing in the calendar.
- Bug fixed where when using PayPal with taxes as e-commerce, courses were not being assigned to the user after purchase.
- Bug fixed where the snapshot feature for tests was not working.