TalentLMS offers an integration with BambooHR software.
This will let you add all your employees from BambooHR into your TalentLMS portal easily.
It will also enable you and other BambooHR Administrators to see their employees completed training in BambooHR.
To integrate TalentLMS with BambooHR:
Step 1: Connect your BambooHR account.
- Log in as an Administrator.
- Go to Account & Settings.
- On the Basic settings tab, scroll down to the BAMBOOHR INTEGRATION section.
- Check the Enable BambooHR integration option (1).
- In the box that appears, enter the domain of your BambooHR account (2) and click Save (3) at the bottom of the page.
Note: For this connection to work, you need access via a secure connection. Please make sure you are accessing via https:// and not http:// |
After clicking Save, a button labeled Connect (4) will appear under the domain input box. Click this and you will be redirected to BambooHR to enter your credentials. Once you’ve entered your credentials and clicked Log in, the connection is complete.
Step 2: Sync users and courses.
You’ll now have the option to click Sync (5) to add all BambooHR employees to TalentLMS as users, and all of the courses in your TalentLMS portal to the Training section in your BambooHR settings page.
You also have the option to "Add new users as inactive".
- If this option is unchecked, all users from BambooHR with an Active status, Work or Home email, and a hire date in the past, will be added to TalentLMS as active. Furthermore, inactive users in TalentLMS that match an eligible BambooHR user (based on Work or Home email) will be activated and synced.
- If this option is checked, the integration will add your BambooHR users as inactive in TalentLMS and prevent inactive users in TalentLMS from being activated by the BambooHR sync. You can manually activate or deactivate users in TalentLMS with this option enabled.
You’ll receive an email verification showing the number of users added to TalentLMS and the number of categories and courses added to the Training page in BambooHR.
When BambooHR users are created in TalentLMS, a random password is assigned to each one. In order to inform them of the account creation:
- Make sure that the "User addition (from an admin)" notification is enabled. If not, create a notification on the "on user create" event, with "related user" as recipient, adding the "related user login" and "related user password" in the body.
- Enable the option enforce password change on first login for extra security.
Note: If a default group is set up in TalentLMS, the users will be added to this group and enrolled in the group’s courses. If a course shares the same name as another one, only one of these will be pulled through to BambooHR. Please ensure you have unique course names to avoid courses not populating the Training page in BambooHR. If a user exists in TalentLMS already, their account will not be duplicated provided the email address in BambooHR matches the one in TalentLMS, the account will be matched. If the email of the user does not exist in the TalentLMS portal, a new user account will be created. |
Courses, course-progress and course categories from TalentLMS will be synced into BambooHR and BambooHR users will be synced into TalentLMS. The system will periodically be syncing with BambooHR but only the first sync is retrieving course completions from BambooHR into TalentLMS.
TalentLMS Courses and Categories are synced with BambooHR's Trainings. The correlation between TalentLMS and BambooHR is based on the name of the Course or Category and the name of the Training in BambooHR and they need to be an exact match. This is case sensitive. Editing the name of Trainings in BambooHR, even capitalization, can cause issues with synchronization. It’s highly recommended that you don’t make any edits to Training names after integrating TalentLMS with BambooHR.
Note: During the TalentLMS - BambooHR integration (the initial sync), if there are any completed Trainings in BambooHR that correspond to Courses in TalentLMS (the name must be an exact match), these courses will be automatically assigned and marked as completed in TalentLMS. |
In regards to the user information sync, on BambooHR, users can have the below attributes:
- jobTitle (text)
- employeeNumber (text)
- hireDate (date)
- department (text)
- division (text)
- location (text)
- country (text)
- city (text)
- state (text)
- supervisor (text)
- dateOfBirth (date)
- ssn (text)
- sin (text)
If you've created the respective custom user fields in TalentLMS with the same name and type, then, the fields on TalentLMS for each BambooHR user will be filled-in/updated with the data from BambooHR.
Step 3: Access TalentLMS courses via BambooHR.
Once you have synced users, your BambooHR Employees will be created as users in TalentLMS, and your active courses will be added to the Training section in your BambooHR portal.
Note: If the user limit is reached with the new users being added via BambooHR, the extra users will be added to TalentLMS, with an inactive status. You can deactivate other user accounts in order to free up space. |
- Log in to your BambooHR account.
- Click the Settings button (6) and then select Training (7). Here you can see the courses and categories (8) that have been pulled from TalentLMS. This option is usually only available for BambooHR administrator roles.
Clicking on an individual course will give you its details, such as Title, Description, and Catalog, as well as the URL to the course in the Course catalog.
Note: If the course is hidden from the catalog, the URL will lead to the course itself, so a login will be required to access the link, and the user will have to be enrolled in the course. |
You can also click on an individual employee’s account to see their completed courses, which will be synced with the data in TalentLMS.
Syncing new data
Once you've connected and starting from the moment you did the first sync, with the system will periodically sync with BambooHR on a daily basis.
You may also want to manually sync with BambooHR to pull through new data, such as new courses or course completion data. Or, you might want to add new BambooHR users to TalentLMS.
To do this:
- Go to Home > Account & Settings.
- Scroll down to the BAMBOOHR INTEGRATION section.
- Click the Sync button.