TalentLMS notifications offer you flexibility in selecting recipients, giving you control over who receives specific notifications.
When creating or editing a notification, use the Recipient (1) drop-down list with the following options:
- Related user: Sends the notification to the user associated with the triggering event. For example, for the "On course assignment" event, the related user is the Learner receiving the course.
- Account owner: Sends the notification to the portal owner (Super Admin) who manages the account. Useful for tracking events like user payments ("On user payment").
- Super Admins: Sends the notification to all Super Admins in the portal.
- Branch Admins: Sends the notification to Branch Administrators if the event is triggered within a specific branch. For instance, with the "On course completion" event, Branch Administrators will receive a notification if the user belongs to a branch.
- Specific recipients: This allows you to manually add the email addresses of specific recipients. These can include Learners, Instructors, and Administrators within your system or individuals outside your portal.
- Course Instructors: Sends the notification to users designated as Instructors for the course.
- Course Learners: Exclusive to ILT (Instructor-Led Training) events like "On ILT session create," this option informs users assigned to the course about a new ILT session and prompts them to register for it.
The available options may vary depending on the notification event. The system actively checks and displays only the relevant options for each event, ensuring a streamlined selection process tailored to your specific needs.
By selecting the appropriate recipient option, you can tailor notifications to reach the intended audience effectively.
Note: Users that have their user profile excluded from emails, will still receive an email when they are added as recipient in notifications sent to "Specific users". |