TalentLMS features native TalentHR integration. Synchronize data between the two platforms and keep track of your employees’ TalentLMS training on your TalentHR domain.
To integrate TalentLMS with TalentHR:
Step 1: Enable API on TalentLMS
- Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator.
- Go to Account & Settings and select the Integrations (1) tab.
- Click on the API (2) tile.
Enable (1) the API and note down your API key (2), then click Save (3) at the bottom of the drawer.
Step 2: Enable the TalentLMS integration on TalentHR to sync users and courses
- Go to Settings and select Integrations (1)
- Select TalentLMS (2)
- Enter the URL of your TalentLMS training portal (3) e.g. yourtrainingportal.talentlms.com
- Paste the API key (4) you have copied from your TalentLMS portal
- Choose the Direction of integration (5) you need. TalentHR offers three different directions of integration with TalentLMS: Two Way, From HR to LMS, From LMS to HR
- Select whether you want the integration to synchronize data automatically between your TalentLMS portal and TalentHR domain by toggling Automatic sync On, or Off (6)
- Click Save
- Lastly, select TalentLMS once more and toggle your integration to Active (7)
- Enabling the integration will trigger a manual sync. Click Confirm (8) to continue
User/Employee information sync
When you sync a user from TalentLMS to TalentHR and/or vice versa, these fields will be transferred by default: First name, Last name, Email, Language. Additionally, on TalentHR, users can have the following attributes (types):
- hireDate (date)
- dateOfBirth (date)
- ssn (text)
- city (text)
- country (text)
- jobTitle (text)
- department (text)
- location (text)
- division (text)
If you've created the respective custom user fields on TalentLMS with the same name and type, then, the fields on TalentLMS will be filled-in/updated for each TalentHR employee with the data from TalentHR, or vice-versa, according to the direction of integration you have selected. Note that the names of all these attributes are case sensitive.
Depending on the direction of integration you have selected, the outcome will be different:
1. From LMS to HR: The system will sync all active users from TalentLMS, along with their training and progress data, as well as any relevant custom user fields. If the TalentLMS user does not exist on TalentHR as an employee, their employee profile will be created with their respective required records. If the employee already exists on TalentHR (based on their TalentLMS ID and email address), their available fields (First name, Last name, Email, Language) will be updated according to their user data on TalentLMS. Automatic sync does not add any more functionality.
2. From HR to LMS: The system will sync all active (non-deleted and non-terminated), as well as inactive (deleted and/or terminated) employees from TalentHR (along with any relevant custom user fields and training progress). If an active employee does not yet exist on TalentLMS (based on their email address), a new user profile will be created on TalentLMS for the employee. If an active employee already exists on TalentLMS as a user, their available fields (First name, Last name, Email, Language) will be updated according to their data on TalentHR. If an inactive employee already exists on TalentLMS as a user, their user profile on TalentLMS will be made inactive as well. If an inactive employee does not exist on TalentLMS, the system will ignore them and their data will not be transferred over.
- In addition to the above, when Automatic sync is enabled:
Hiring an employee on TalentHR, automatically adds the new employee to TalentLMS as a user (following the same rules as mentioned above). - Terminating or deleting an employee on TalentHR, changes the corresponding user’s active status on TalentLMS from active to inactive.
- Updating any available field of an employee on TalentHR will update the respective user fields of the corresponding user on TalentLMS.
3. Two Way: Two-way integration functions as a combination of “From LMS to HR” and “From HR to LMS”, but with one caveat. The system will not update employees on TalentHR based on any updates made to the corresponding users on TalentLMS. Only new employees will be created on TalentHR, corresponding to any TalentLMS users that do not yet exist on TalentHR. The system will update users on TalentLMS based on updates to the corresponding employees on TalentHR normally.
When adding a TalentLMS user to TalentHR, since every TalentHR employee needs to have a Hire Date defined, then if no “hireDate” custom user field exists on TalentLMS, or if the field exists but it is empty or invalid, then the system will use the date of creation for the TalentLMS user as their Hire Date on TalentHR.
Automatic sync and Manual sync
If Automatic sync is enabled, user updates made on TalentLMS e.g. new users, course enrollments etc. will be synchronized with TalentHR 12 hours after the initial activation of the integration, and every 24 hours afterwards. On the other hand, any employee updates made on TalentHR will be instantly synced with TalentLMS. For every Automatic sync that is triggered, an email is sent to the company administrator/owner of the TalentHR domain.
If Automatic sync is disabled, no synchronization will take place after the initial Manual sync. This occurs upon first activating the integration and you will need to sync any new changes manually, using the Manual sync button.
Depending on the direction of your integration, as well as how you prefer to handle the Automatic sync at any point, you may want to manually sync with TalentLMS to pull up new data, such as new employees, courses, or course completion data. Or, you might want to add new TalentHR employees to TalentLMS.
To perform a Manual sync:
- Navigate to Settings and click Integrations
- Select TalentLMS
- Click Manual sync (1)