TalentLMS integration with the Salesforce Data Connector app
TalentLMS offers a native integration with Salesforce CRM. The integration is designed to streamline data flow and enhance the experience of customers who use both systems.
The integration allows for a two-way synchronization of data, with Salesforce as the source of the user’s data. More specifically, Salesforce users, accounts and contacts can be synchronized with their basic details, to create learners on TalentLMS. Advanced filters are available to sync additional data fields.
The integration also allows for training completion data to be synchronized back to Salesforce, in specially designed tables and graphs. Training completion data consists of: course status and scores, certificates and gamification badges. Salesforce administrators can also use this data to create custom dashboards.
Note: The Salesforce TLMS connector app requires a subscription fee and is available only with annual subscriptions from the Grow plan and above. Also, Enterprise subscriptions unlock the Salesforce accounts to TalentLMS branches conversion feature. |
Salesforce preparation
1. Login to Salesforce as Administrator.
2. Go to the Salesforce Setup page.
3. Access (Platform Tools) Apps => App Manager => (Button) New Connected App
a. Basic Information: Add “Connected App Name”, e.g. TalentLMS_OAuth
b. Basic Information: Add “Contact Email”
c. API (Enable OAuth Settings): Check “Enable OAuth Settings”
d. API (Enable OAuth Settings): Check “Enable for Device Flow”
e. API (Enable OAuth Settings): Add Callback URL => https://eis.epignosishq.com/
f. API (Enable OAuth Settings): Select “Full access (full)” from the “Available OAuth Scopes” & Click on “Add” button
g. API (Enable OAuth Settings): Check “Require Secret for Web Server Flow”
h. Click Save
4. Gather Salesforce instance information
Copy Salesforce Connected (OAuth) App Credentials:
1. Go to the Salesforce Setup page
2. Access (Platform Tools) Apps => App Manager
3. Find the App that was Created Previously (e.g. TalentLMS_OAuth) & Select “View” Action
4. Copy “Consumer Key”
5. Copy “Consumer Secret” (Click to Reveal)
Copy Salesforce Instance Information:
1. Go to Salesforce Setup
2. (Settings) Company Settings => Company Information
3. Copy Instance Information (e.g. NA139)
4. Copy Salesforce Account Security Token: If you do not know your security token, please contact your Salesforce support team
TalentLMS setup
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as Administrator.
2. Go to Account & Settings and select the Integrations (1) tab and click on the API (2) tile.
3. Enable (1) the API and note down your API key (2), then click Save (3) at the bottom of the drawer.
Installing the TalentLMS Data Connector app
1. Locate the TalentLMS Data Connector app in Salesforce AppExchange, or access the following directory listing: https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId=a0N4V00000GmbyzUAB&tab=e
2. Log in to AppExchange.
3. Click Get it now.
4. Choose to Install in production or Install in sandbox.
5. Read the terms and conditions and agree to them. Then, click Confirm and Install.
6. Choose to Install for Admins Only, Install for All Users or Install for Specific Profiles. Here, you need to select the correct option for which users are required to access the TalentLMS Salesforce app.
Setting up the authentication
1. Go to https://eis.epignosishq.com/
2. Login using TalentLMS API Key & Domain
3. Update Configuration Form
a. Instance URL (1): https://{SALESFORCE_INSTANCE}.salesforce.com/ (e.g. https://na139.salesforce.com/)
b. Enter Salesforce Connected (OAuth) App Consumer Key (2)
c. Enter Salesforce Connected (OAuth) App Consumer Secret (3)
d. Enter the Username (4) of the Salesforce Account
e. Enter the Password (5) of the Salesforce Account
f. Enter the Security Token (6) of the Salesforce Account
g. Click on Update Button (7)
Selecting what to sync
In the integration setup page, you are given the choice of what information to synchronize between Salesforce and TalentLMS, designed to support the following use cases:
Internal training
Deliver training to your employees who are already using Salesforce on a daily basis i.e. deliver sales training to your sales team or support training to your customer success teams.
In order to support internal training select the Salesforce Users Synchronization (1) option. Once enabled, additional options will appear allowing you to:
- Enable filtered synchronization of Salesforce users if only a subset should have access to training on TalentLMS.
- Select a salesforce field to automatically create a group based on their values and automatically assign to learners on TalentLMS (this will automate the allocation of training but courses must be added to the group on TalentLMS).
Map salesforce user fields with custom fields on TalentLMS to synchronize additional user fields.
For mandatory custom user fields, if no mapping is selected in EIS, default values will be assigned to the custom fields in TalentLMS. The default values for each field type are as listed below:
a) Checkbox -> Off
b) Date -> Current Date
c) Drop-down -> 1st option
d) Text -> "ADP integration"
External training
Deliver training to your salesforce contacts. Depending on how your team use Salesforce, to track customers or external collaborators such as partners, you can use the integration to synchronize Salesforce Accounts and Contacts, allowing you to easily assign and track within Salesforce their training completion data.
In order to support external training select the Salesforce Contacts Synchronization option (2). Once enabled, additional options will appear allowing you to:
- Enable filtered synchronization of Salesforce contacts if only a subset should have access to training on TalentLMS.
- Enable Salesforce Accounts to be converted to branches on TalentLMS and automatically assign Account contacts to the relevant branch.
- Select a salesforce field to automatically create a group based on their values and automatically assign to learners on TalentLMS (this will automate the allocation of training but courses must be added to the group on TalentLMS).
Map salesforce user fields with custom fields on TalentLMS to synchronize additional user fields.
For mandatory custom user fields, if no mapping is selected in EIS, default values will be assigned to the custom fields in TalentLMS. The default values for each field type are as listed below:
a) Checkbox -> Off
b) Date -> Current Date
c) Drop-down -> 1st option
d) Text -> "ADP integration"
Note: The max number of processable users is 7500, the max number of processable contacts is 7500. |
Enable User Learning Data Synchronization (3) to allow for the synchronization of training completion data back from TalentLMS to Salesforce, every 30mins:
- Enable LMS user courses and progress synchronization - this will sync the course progress (status, completion percentage, time spent in course, enrolled and completion date) for each synced Salesforce User and/or Contact.
- Enable LMS user certificates synchronization - this will sync the certificates received for each synced Salesforce User and/or Contact.
- Enable LMS user badges synchronization - this will sync the badges received for each synced Salesforce User and/or Contact.
Special Synchronization Options
In this section you will find the option which you can enable if you want to deactivate users in TalentLMS (4). If a user or contact falls out of scope based on your filter selection, they will be deactivated in TalentLMS.
Note: Enabling the deactivation option in the Special Synchronization Options will mean any TalentLMS users who are not in Salesforce users will be deactivated in TalentLMS. This option does not change a user's status to Active in TalentLMS, it is only used to deactivate users. |
Understanding the TalentLMS Salesforce app UI
In the TalentLMS app UI, an assigned Salesforce user will be able to see their TalentLMS user statistics. In the My Course Progress (1) table you can see assigned course Name,Completion status, Completion percentage, Time spent on course, Enrolled on date and Completion date. Further down the page the user can see My Certificates(2) and My Badges (3), and can choose to Download (4) their certificates.
Salesforce users can also see their Salesforce team’s progress by selecting the Team members (5) tab.
Clicking on a Team member’s name (6) will bring you to a dashboard showing this user’s course progress and badges and certificates earned.
From the header tabs of the TalentLMS Salesforce app, you can select Accounts or Contacts.
After selecting to view an Account, you will see the Learning Activity (1) tab.
This will show the learning progress of the Contacts connecting with this account.
You can click on each Contact (2) to see this Contact’s learning activity.
You can also access contact learning activity directly via the contacts tab.