By default, the account owner will receive the invoice for your TalentLMS subscription via email, upon publication. TalentLMS lets you add more recipients for your subscription invoices.
Here’s how:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Subscription (1).
2. Click Subscription options (2).
3. Scroll down to the Invoices section and click Select recipients (3).
4. A Recipients drawer will appear on the right side of your screen. Type the email address(es) of your custom recipients in the relevant field (4). Hit Enter or Tab on your keyboard after typing each email address, to separate recipients.
5. Click Update (5) to save your changes.
Click x next to a recipient’s email address (1) to remove them from the list of recipients.
If you’ve made a spelling mistake, click Edit mode (2) to correct it as needed.