TalentLMS allows you to assign new skills to your users so they can personalize and enhance their learning journey. Skills can also be removed from users if needed.
There are two ways to assign skills to your users:
A. Through the Assign skills option
B. Through the Users list
A. Assign skills
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Skills (1).
2. Go to the Users tab (2).
3. Click Assign skills (3).
4. In the search bar, enter the name(s) of the skill(s) you want to assign (4).
5. Search for the user you want (5), or use the user list to find them.
6. Click Assign skills (6).
To assign skills to users en masse:
1. While in the Assign skills menu, tick the box next to each user’s name (1).
2. Once you have selected the users you want, click Mass Actions (2).
3. Finally, click Assign (3).
B. Through the Users list
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Skills (1).
2. While in the Users list, find the user you want to assign skills to and select their name (2).
3. A drawer will open on the right side of the screen. Search for the skill you want to assign (3).
4. Click Add (4).
To remove skills from individual users:
1. While in the Users list, find the user you want and select their name (1).
2. A drawer will open on the right side of the screen. Click the arrow next to the skill you want to see more options (2).
3. Click Remove skill (3).
To remove skills from users en masse:
1. While in the Users list, click Skills (1) and select the skill you want to remove.
2. Check the box next to each user you want to update (2), or check the box next to the Name column to select every user currently visible on the list (3).
3. Click Mass actions (4).
4. Select Unassign skills (5).
5. A confirmation pop-up will appear. Click Unassign (6) to confirm the action.