By default, TalentLMS users can purchase your paid courses individually. However, you can also offer users the option to subscribe to your paid courses for a monthly or annual fee and enjoy full access to your whole catalog.
Note: Before subscribing, a user must register to your portal. Upon subscription, a user is granted access to all courses for their account only, and they can’t share courses with other users. |
Currently, subscriptions work only with the Stripe payment processor. To enable Subscriptions, you will first need to integrate your Stripe account.
After you’ve connected your portal with Stripe, you can proceed. Here’s how to enable user subscriptions in a few steps:
A. On your main portal
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Account & Settings > E-commerce (1).
2. Click on the arrow button next to the Subscription option (2).
3. Enable the Access to all paid courses option (3).
4. Add a subscription fee (4) in the respective field and choose whether the payment should be monthly or annual (5) from the dropdown.
5. Optionally, enable the Free for the first month option (6) to offer a one-month “free trial” to users who initiate a subscription.
6. Click Save (7) to activate your subscription services.
From now on, users have the option to subscribe to your entire course catalog for a specified monthly or annual fee (1).
B. On a single branch
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator, go to Branches (1), and select a specific branch (2) to edit.
2. Under the Info tab of your branch’s settings, scroll down to the E-commerce section and select the arrow next to the E-commerce processor (3) option.
3. Select Stripe as your E-commerce processor (4) and click Back (5).
Note: Stripe must be enabled through your main portal as well for it to be an available option for your branches. |
4. Select the arrow next to the Subscription (6) option.
5. Enable the Access to all paid courses option (7).
6. Add a subscription fee (8) in the respective field and choose whether the payment should be monthly or annual (9) from the drop-down.
7. Optionally, enable the Free for the first month option (10) to offer a one-month “free trial” to users who initiate a subscription.
8. Click Back (10).
9. Click Save (11) to save your changes.
From now on, branch users who belong to the specified branch have the option to subscribe to your entire course catalog for a monthly or annual fee (1).
Note: You can’t deactivate the subscription or change its price if there is at least one user with an active subscription in your portal. |
Learners who purchase courses or subscribe to your portal can view their payment history and manage their subscription from their My payments (1) page.
Learners can cancel their subscription at any time from this page by clicking Manage your subscription (2) > Cancel your subscription. The option to Update their credit card is also available here.
Note: If a Learner cancels their subscription, they won't be able to access their paid courses anymore because the subscription will be terminated immediately. |