TalentLMS lets you import historical data into your current portal. This allows you to bring in past training records for courses that may have been completed externally or update existing completion information.
Here’s how in three easy steps:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator, and if they don’t already exist, create the users and courses that correspond to the data you want to import.
2. Go to Home > Import - Export (1).
3. Browse your files to locate and select the import file, or drag and drop the file into the upload area (2). Supported file types are: XLS, XLSX, and CSV. Maximum file size is 1MB.
How to create your import file:
The available columns are:
Usertocourses, Course, EnrolledOnDate, CompletionDate, Status, Score
- The Usertocourses column corresponds to the Username. From a system perspective, the Username serves as the primary identifier for users on the platform, so if a user with the same login exists, their information will be updated. Make sure that the login is the first column in your import file.
- The Course column corresponds to the course title.
- The EnrolledOnDate and CompletionDate columns correspond to the date of enrollment and the date of completion for your user. The date must be written according to the date format of your portal as defined under Account & Settings > Portal, below the Locale section. The cells in these columns need to follow a “text” format in Excel.
- The Status column corresponds to the completion status of the course for your user. It can be set to not_attempted or completed.
The Score column corresponds to the course score of the course for your user. It can be given any whole number value between 0 and 100.
Note: When you import the completion status and set it to not attempted, if a Learner has previously completed the course, the progress will be reset. The completed status must always be accompanied by a completion date column. |