Your TalentLMS platform is structured around three main roles: Administrator, Instructor, and Learner. Each role defines a standard user behavior in the system.
Based on these three basic roles, the TalentLMS permissions system lets you create User Types with varying permissions to define their behavior to the smallest detail. That way, you can customize a user’s behavior, whether Administrator, Instructor, or Learner, according to your given organizational structure and planning.
In this guide, you’ll learn:
- What the basic TalentLMS User Types are and how to edit their permissions.
- How to create custom User Types according to your needs in TalentLMS.
Step 1: Get to know the default User Types
Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Home > Account & Settings > User types (1).
On a fresh TalentLMS domain, the default User Types are:
SuperAdmin: A user assigned with the SuperAdmin type has all permissions and full access to the system’s settings and resources. A SuperAdmin’s permissions cannot be edited even by a fellow SuperAdmin.
Admin-Type: A user assigned with the Admin-Type has an Administrator role and all related permissions. Those permissions can be re-defined by a SuperAdmin.
Trainer-Type: A user assigned with the Trainer-Type has the role of an Instructor and all related permissions. Those permissions can be re-defined by an Administrator.
Learner-Type: A user assigned with the Learner-Type has the role of a Learner and a more restricted set of related permissions. Those permissions can be re-defined by an Administrator.
Step 2: Edit a default User Type’s permissions
1. On the Home > Account & Settings > User types page, click one of the available user types (e.g., Admin-Type).
2. On the following Admin-Type sidebar, there’s a multi-level nested list of permissions (2). Each list item represents a permission or a set of permissions, and it’s preceded by a checkbox. Click the drop-down symbols to open the nested levels.
3. Check/uncheck (3) a nested item to activate/deactivate the permission or the set of permissions (if it’s a parent item) it represents.
4. Click Save (4) to update the user type.
Step 3: Create your own custom User Type
1. Return to Home > Account & Settings > User types and click Add user type (1).
2. Type a distinct Name (2) for your user type (e.g., Assistant).
Note: User Type names cannot contain any spaces. When they contain more than one word, separate them with a hyphen (-) or an underscore (_). |
3. From the User type default role drop-down list (3), choose your new user type’s role (e.g., Administrator).
4. On the multi-level nested list (4), choose what a user can do in your platform when assigned with the custom Assistant user type.
5. Click Save (5).
Note: If you choose to delete a user type, you will be asked to confirm this action and also choose another user type for the affected users. |
To better highlight the functionality of custom user types, here are two quick examples:
A. Learners without permission to use the Discussions feature
1. Go to Home > Account & Settings > User types and click Add user type (1).
2. In the Name field, type Learner-nodiscussion (2).
3. From the User type default role drop-down list, choose Learner.
4. On the multi-level nested list, check Learner (3) to activate all related permissions (nested under Learner).
5. On the list nested under Learner, uncheck Discussions (4) to deactivate all related permissions (View, Create, Reply/Comment).
6. Click Save (5).
From now on, users assigned with the Learner-nodiscussion user type have no access to the TalentLMS Discussions feature.
B. Instructors without permission to create new content (units) in Courses
1. Go to Home > Account & Settings > User types and click Add user type.
2. In the Name field, type Professor_Assistant (1).
3. From the User type default role drop-down list, choose Instructor (2).
4. On the multi-level nested list, check Instructor (3) to activate all related permissions (nested under Instructor).
5. On the list nested under Instructor, click to expand Courses, then Units, and uncheck the Create (4) permission.
6. Click Save (5).
From now on, users assigned with the Professor_Assistant user type have all instructor-related permissions except for the permission to create new course content.
Note: The default role of a user type defines the role the user will have once they log in. Users with a user type that combines permissions from more than one category (e.g., Administrator and Instructor permissions) can switch between their roles after login. When the default role of a user type is Administrator or Instructor, any user with such a user type will be assigned to a course as an Instructor. When they complete a course, their progress isn’t displayed on the respective reports. |