- If you’re using the same unit in two different courses you can choose to link these together so that changes made in one get reflected across all the courses where this unit exists.
- Soft deadline: you can extend the deadline of a course for a specific user on demand.
- Branch settings have been extended so that you can:
- Limit the users in a branch
- Define a branch default user-type
- Restrict the registration to specific domains per branch.
- You can now copy courses from one TalentLMS portal to another.
- New integration, you can now hold your conferences using Zoom.
- An action which will allow you to assign a course based on the results of another course (if the course consists of more than one test or assignment the average score will be calculated).
- An action which will allow you to define the number of gamification points awarded when specific courses are completed. This is useful as it’s a great way to customize the number of points a user has.
- If you are using the API the new call back URL will allow you to call a URL on your own infrastructure when a user completes a course. The parameters passed on this call are the user ID and name of the course. For example, you can use this callback function to disable a user after completing a course or send him a special email.
- You can completely reset the whole progress of a user without having to reset each course individually.
- Custom course fields can now be added in Custom reports & Notifications.
- Added a new rule in custom reports to segment users who “Do not have a course”.
- Added a new rule in custom reports: “have signed up within a period of time”, you can either define amount of days or specific period.
- Additionally, you can set a date range in custom reports for the following rules:
- Have completed a course within a period of time.
- Got a certification within a period of time.
- Have logged in within a period of time.
- Have not logged in within a period of time.
- We’ve added Arabic as a new language.
- We now support RTL languages (Arabic & Hebrew).
- When “Resetting” the progress of all users within a course you now have an option to also remove the certificate associated with that course.
- We have extended the timeline so that you now have the option to “permanently delete” a user or course. This is particularly useful if you need to re-add the user from scratch without restoring their old profile.
- When an admin modifies the email of a user, the signup notification email is re-sent (note, passwords will not be included in these types of emails).
- Notifications regarding “Inactive” users & courses are no longer triggered.
- Camera is now supported on iOS when a snapshot is required prior to taking a test.
- An average score is added to course reports once exported. This score is based on the average scores of tests + assignments.
- The “course completed” pop-up has been re-designed and includes a new option to “Go to next course” (if the course unlocks other courses via prerequisites)
- The file uploading screen has been redesigned.
- The LDAP functionality is extended so as to be able to search on user's account attributes for matching username.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug where courses in a category or group bundle appeared in the branch even though those courses weren’t a member of that branch.
- Fixed repeatable requests on units.
- The branch admin is no longer able to login as a superadmin or edit a superadmin’s profile.
- An admin is now not able to create a super admin profile.
- When signup is set to “Direct + admin activation” the activation emails are no longer received by branch admins when the signup is completed through the main domain
- Time alerts when uploading files have been fixed.
- Fixed the appearance of User/ Course report when viewed through Chrome.
- Your domain logo will now appear consistently in high resolution in all reports and all areas of the portal.
- Branch admins are now able to restore deleted users.
- When a course containing a certificate is manually completed by an admin, the certification icon will appear immediately.
- When a completed course containing a certificate is now synchronized with new material, a question will come up asking whether the certificate needs to be removed.
- Report file names have been truncated so that they are compatible and can be opened with excel.
- When a course is deleted, all reports associated with it i.e. tests, assignments surveys, SCORM reports and scheduled reports are all removed
- The “ILT Name” tag on ILT related notifications now appears in orange
- Recaptcha now appears on https:// without showing an error.
- Bundle names now appear properly when they are translated.
- When drag & drop questions are empty an error will appear that will not let you save the question.
- When Tin Can units are re-taken the course completion status will get updated correctly.
- At the end of a course the “Go back to course list” option on the pop up will now take you back to the course list without needing to refresh the page.
- When a user’s status is changed to active using the import function any pending notifications (such as user signup) will get triggered.
- Load balancer doesn’t time out when SCORM/ Tin Can files are uploaded containing more than 500 documents.
- Fixed issue with SCORM content playing without audio on iOS 10 devices (web)
- Fixed bug that would bring duplicate results on different pages when sorting something that is not unique.
- Chinese characters are now supported in certificates.
- On the course catalog you are now able to search with Japanese characters
- Free text questions can now include special characters such as <>, <,>.
- Fixed issue with SCORM not opening the correct exercise when it is specified.