TalentLMS allows you to use learning materials such as SCORM 1.2, xAPI, and cmi5 content to enhance your courses and make your training more engaging and efficient.
Let's have a quick look at the three standards:
- SCORM (Shareable Content Object Reference Model) is a set of technical standards for eLearning software products and the industry standard for eLearning interoperability (i.e., SCORM tells programmers how their code can cooperate smoothly with other eLearning software).
SCORM governs how online learning content and Learning Management Systems communicate with each other (for more on SCORM, see this article). - xAPI is an interoperability specification for learning content. It captures and stores data about a wide range of a learner's (or a group of learners') online and offline learning experiences from various sources and in a consistent format.
Different systems can then communicate with each other through the common xAPI vocabulary to share these data streams for various uses (for more on xAPI, see this article). - CMI5 is a contemporary eLearning specification. cmi5 takes advantage of the xAPI as a communications protocol and data model while providing stricter definitions for components essential to system interoperability such as packaging, launching, credential handshake, consistent information model, etc. (for more on cmi5, see this article).
How to add SCORM, xAPI, and cmi5 content to your courses:
1. Log in to your account as an Administrator or an Instructor, go to Courses (1), hover over one of your courses, and choose to edit (2) it.
2. Click Add (3), hover over Learning Activities (4), and select SCORM | xAPI | cmi5 (5).
3. Click Upload a SCORM, xAPI, or cmi5 ZIP file (6) and choose a file from your local drive. Alternatively, select an existing course file (7).
Note: You can also drag and drop your zip file directly into the content area. |
4. When your file is uploaded, you can click the More options button (8) to edit the Unit options (9).
5. From the Show as (10) drop-down list, choose whether you want your content to be shown as Embedded or show up as a pop-up dialog box.
6. From the Size section (11), you can set the Width and Height of your content in pixels.
7. Click Save (12) to apply the changes.
Note: To keep your users' failed status upon retries, you can enable the option When failed retain the failed status upon retries (13). With this option enabled, the user will still have a “Not passed” status, even if they retry to pass the SCORM unit. |