TalentLMS allows Instructors to easily grade Assignments and ILTs through the Grading Hub.
To access it as an Instructor, go to Home, select Grading Hub (1), and you will see the Assignment and ILT sessions tabs (2).
Here, you can find a list of Assignment submissions and ILT registrations, as well as:
- The User’s name or username, based on the Visible user format set in your Account & Settings
- The relevant Course
- The relevant Assignment/ILT Unit
- The Submission/Session date
- The Grade date and Grade when you assign one
- The Status (Pending/Passed/Not passed)
Note: A red numbered indicator shows the number of Assignments and ILTs that are in Pending status and have not yet been reviewed by an Instructor. |
To navigate more easily, you can Filter (3) the list based on grading status (Pending /Passed/Not passed), use the Search (4) bar to search for a specific User, Course, or Unit name, or select one of the columns (e.g., Submission date) to sort the list by the respective data.
How to Grade a user:
1. Find the Assignment/ILT you need to grade and select Grade (1).
Note: To see how you can access the assignment submission visit this article. |
2. Add a Score (2) (0-100) and a Comment (3) for additional feedback.
3. Select Passed or Not passed to determine whether the user completed or failed the unit, or Cancel (4) to go back to the list.
Note: If no score is applied, the user will automatically get a score of 100 when marked as Passed. |
From the available options, you can also directly Message (5) the user or Reset (6) the grading status. The reset option is only available when you have already graded an Assignment/ILT.
By selecting two or more entries (7), you can Grade them, Message the users, or Reset the status for multiple users using Mass actions (8).