After you’ve updated the content of one or more course units within your course, or when you need to manually change a user’s progress in a specific course unit for any reason, TalentLMS gives you the ability to reset or complete that unit for your user. There are two ways to do so: through User reports and through Course reports.
A. User reports:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Reports > Users (1).
2. Select the name of the user (2) you want to reset or complete a specific course unit for.
3. The user’s report will open. Under the Courses tab (3), hover over the course you want to edit and click the Change unit’s progress button (4) that appears next to the course.
4. A drawer will open on the right-hand side of your screen. Select the course unit you’d like to change the progress for and choose the related option you need (reset for completed units or complete for units that haven’t been completed yet) (5).
B. Course reports:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Reports > Courses (1).
2. Select the course (2) you want to reset or complete a specific unit on behalf of your user.
3. The course report will open. Under the Users tab (3), hover over the user you wish and click the Change unit’s progress button (4) next to the user.
4. A drawer will open on the right-hand side of your screen. Select the course unit you’d like to change the progress for and choose the related option you need (Reset for completed units or Complete for units that haven’t been completed yet) (5).
Alternatively, you can also utilize the Unit matrix tab of your Course report to manually complete or reset specific course units for your users. Click here to read more!
Note: You can manually complete any type of course unit for your users. Specifically for Learning activities: