TalentLMS enables you to fully customize your homepage and add more pages and content organized in sections. You can add or remove sections based on the content you want to share with users before or after they log in.
Here’s how to add and customize sections on your homepage:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Account & Settings > Portal (1).
2. Scroll down to the Branding section and click the arrow (2) next to Custom homepage.
To add another section, scroll down to the Add section toolbar (3) and choose the type of section you want to create. You can:
- Add Banner
- Add Text
- Add Text and media
- Add Course gallery
- Add Key points
Here’s how to add different types of sections to your homepage:
A) Add a banner
1. On the Add banner drawer, type a Headline (1) and Subtitle (2).
2. Then, select the image (3) to upload your own banner artwork.
Note: The image should be at least 1170px wide and 450px tall. Accepted file types are .gif, .jpeg, and .png, with a maximum size of 10 MB. Please note that the gif files will lose their animation when used in a banner. |
3. Switch the toggle to the right to add a Call to action (4) button and add a URL linking to another page.
Note: Call to Action (CTA) buttons are used to easily redirect a user to an external page. Add the Button label and the URL, and select where it will be placed within your section. |
4. You may also add a Divider (5) below this section to insert a line after it and offer separation from the following section.
5. Click Save (6) to save your changes and return to the custom homepage builder.
B) Add text only
1. On the Add text dialog box, you can type a new Headline (1) and Subtitle (2).
2. Then, add your Text (3) to share more information with your users. Use the formatting toolbar options to structure it.
3. Toggle Add divider below this section (4) to add a line and separate two sections.
4. Click Save (5) to apply your changes and return to the custom homepage builder.
C) Add text and media
Combine text and media (images & videos) in one section by doing the following:
1. On the Add text and media dialog box, type a new Headline (1) and Subtitle (2).
2. Then, add your Text (3) and switch to Media (4) to choose either an image or a video from the drop-down menu.
Note: You can add an Image or a Video (5) directly from a link (YouTube, Vimeo, or other hosting location) or by uploading media from your device. |
3. When you choose to upload an image, an Edit screen (6) will pop up, allowing you to zoom in/out, flip horizontally/vertically, or rotate the image. Click Save Changes to insert the image.
4. Once the media file or URL is inserted, an option appears to select where you would like your media to be placed: to the left or to the right of the text (7).
Note: If you do not add text and media, these options will not appear. |
5. Toggle Add divider below this section to add a line and separate two sections.
6. Add a Call To Action button to point to an external URL if needed.
7. Click Save to apply your changes and return to the custom homepage builder.
D) Add courses
1. On the Add course gallery dialog box, type a Headline (1) and a Subtitle (2).
2. Then, from the Courses (3) drop-down list, select the courses you want to display. You can start typing to bring up results rather than scroll through the list.
3. Toggle Add divider below this section to add a line and separate two sections.
Note: You can add up to 12 courses. The courses should be visible in the course catalog to appear available for selection. |
4. Click Save to save your changes and return to the custom homepage builder.
E) Add key points
1. On the Add key points dialog box, type a Headline (1) and a Subtitle (2).
2. Toggle Add divider below this section (3) to add a line and separate two sections.
3. Click Save to apply the changes and return to the custom homepage builder.
4. A new Key Point section will be available. Select Edit (4) to start editing your first point. Delete it using the trash bin (5) icon or Add another key point (6).
5. For each Point, you can choose a distinctive Icon (7), add a Title (8), and insert Text (9) describing your Point. If needed, add a Call to Action button to link to external resources. Click Save to add the Key Point.
After you are done, the option to add another Point will become available.
How to manage and preview your sections
1. Hover over each section to reveal the rearrange button (1).
2. Click and drag and drop the section into the desired place.
3. To update a section, select the Edit section (2) button that is revealed when you hover over a specific section. If you want to delete a section click on the trash bin (3) icon.
4. Finally, click the Preview (4) button to see how your Homepage will look with all its sections.
Note: You can follow the same steps to add and customize sections for additional pages you’ve added to your menu. Once you create and save a page in your menu, start adding sections to it. You can add up to 10 sections to every page. |