TalentLMS lets you create randomized tests that consist of questions drawn randomly from a pool of handpicked items.
Here's how to create such a test in a few simple steps.
First, let's create our question pool:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Instructor, select a course to edit from the Courses menu and click Edit course. The course editor page will open.
2. Click Add and, from the Learning Activities section, choose Test (1).
3. From the available question types, click Randomized (2).
Note: All available questions will appear in a list. You can use the Search (3) option to search for a specific question or use the Filter (4) to narrow down the list and only show questions from a specific course. You can select a question to Preview (5) it. |
4. Add the questions (6) to your randomized question pool.
Note: You will need to have selected at least 2 questions for your pool at all times. |
5. Click Save (7).
Your new question is now automatically added to the test.
Now, let's specify how many questions your test will have:
1. Click the arrow (1) next to the Randomized question and choose the number of questions to be drawn from the randomized question pool (2).
2. Continue with adding more question types (3) to the test or Publish (4) your test unit.