To manage your training even more efficiently, TalentLMS lets you enroll users in courses (or unenroll users, if needed) manually with just a few clicks.
To add users to courses, as either an Administrator or an Instructor, you have three options:
A. From Course settings
B. From User settings
C. From the Import page
A. From Course settings
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator or an Instructor. Go to Courses (1) and select the course you want to enroll users into.
2. On the Users (2) tab, click Enroll to course (3) to see the users who are not currently enrolled in the course.
3. Click the add symbol (4) for each user you want to add to the course.
Β. From User settings
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator. Go to Users and select the user you want to add to a course.
2. On the Courses (1) tab, click Enroll to course (2) to access the list of courses that the user is not currently assigned to.
3. Click the add symbol (3) next to each course you want to assign to the user.
C. From the Import page
You can add a user to a course or even multiple users to different courses at once with the TalentLMS Import function. Here's how:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Account & Settings > Import-Export (1).
2. Browse your files to locate and select the import file, or drag and drop the file into the upload area (2). Supported file types are: XLS, XLSX, and CSV, and the maximum file size is 1MB.
How to create your import file:
Your file should include two columns: Usertocourses and course.
- The Usertocourses column corresponds to the Username. From a system perspective, the Username serves as the primary identifier for users on the platform, so if a user with the same login exists, their information will be updated.
- The course column corresponds to the course title.
3. Once the file is uploaded and the import process is complete, you will see the Import results (3).
The user identified as [username] is now enrolled in a course named [course name].
Note: To add multiple users to different courses, simply add the additional users' data in the subsequent rows (e.g., [username2]; [course name 2]). |