With TalentLMS, you can allow users to rate the courses they take to provide you with valuable feedback on their learning experience.
Enable course rating by following these simple steps:
1. Log in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator. Once you're on the Administrator’s Dashboard, click Account & Settings (1).
2. Select the Courses (2) tab.
3. Under the Allow course rating section, toggle the switch (3) to the right to turn it on.
4. Click Save (4) to apply the change.
Now, Learners have the ability to assign a rating of 1 to 5 stars (5) directly from the course information page for any course that they are enrolled in.
After a Learner has given a rating to a course, they can always change it by selecting a different star rating or reset the rating (6) completely.
Course ratings are visible on the Course catalog (7), and they can be used as a filter to reorder the displayed courses (8) accordingly.