TalentLMS allows you to clone courses and/or individual course units. Cloning saves time by allowing you to create a one-to-one match of your existing course content to be used again for other purposes.
To clone a course:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Courses (1).
2. Locate the course you want to clone, hover your mouse over it, and click the clone icon (2) next to it.
3. On the following confirmation dialog box, click Clone (3).
The course is now cloned and the clone is added to your course list. It's automatically named after the original course, followed by the “(clone)” indicator (4).
The cloned course is an exact replica of the original, and it includes all of the original’s settings and units. From now on, the cloned course can be customized and managed as a completely separate course.
Cloning a unit
There are two available options for course units: cloning and linking. Cloning and linking a course unit from one course to another are similar actions, with one key difference: a cloned unit can be edited independently without affecting the original unit it was copied from. When you link a unit, changes made to the original unit are applied to the copied units as well.
To clone a unit:
1. Switch to your Instructor role, go to Courses, and click Edit next to the course you want to clone a unit to. The course editor page will open.
2. Click Add (1) and select More > Clone from another course (2).
3. From the drop-down menu, select the course (3) you want to copy the unit from and the original unit (4) that will be copied.
4. Click Clone (5).
The cloned unit has been added to your course (in “draft” status), followed by the “(clone)” indicator (6). You can freely edit it and your changes won’t affect the original unit it was copied from.
Note: About cloning test units:
To link a unit:
1. Switch to your Instructor role, go to Courses, and click Edit next to the course you want to link a unit to. The course editor page will open.
2. Click Add (1) and select More > Link from another course (2).
3. From the drop-down menu, select the course (3) you want to link the unit from and the original unit (4) that will be linked.
4. Click Link (5).
The linked unit has been added to your course (in “draft” status), and an icon next to it indicates that it’s linked to another course (6).
If you’d like to edit the linked unit, you’ll need to go to the original course and edit the original version of the unit that the linked unit is copied from.
Note: The following four unit types can’t be linked: Tests, Surveys, Assignments, and Instructor-led training. |