TalentLMS lets you set time limits for courses so that users must complete them on time, according to your training plan. When a user misses a course deadline, the course expires, and their access is revoked.
A. How to set time limits for courses
To set a time limit for a course, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator, go to Courses, hover over the course title you wish to add a time limit to, and then click Edit.
2. The course editor page will open. Click the gear icon (1) to navigate to Course options.
3. Go to the Availability tab (2). You have two options: setting a specific duration, or a time limit.
- Click Duration (3) to add a start and/or an expiration date to the course. You’re also able to set the time for both options. After the selected start date and time, Learners will be able to access the course content. After the selected expiration date and time, the course will expire for all Learners.
- Click Time limit (4) and type the number of days you want the course to remain active for your Learners. The course expires when the selected number of days have passed from a Learner’s enrollment in the course.
4. Click Save at the bottom of the page to save your changes.
Note: If you’d like your users to be able to access the course content post completion, enable the Retain access for users who have completed the course option. |
B. How to work with expired courses
On their dashboard, Learners will see the current expiration date, if any, on the progress bar for the course (1). When a course has expired, an Expired (2) label is displayed on the course.
When you’ve added a time limit to your course rather than a fixed duration/expiration date, you can reset the time limit for any single user, without this affecting their course progress, by unenrolling them from the expired course and then, enrolling them again.
To reset a user’s course expiration date/time limit:
1. Go to Users (1), select the user you want to update to open their profile information and go to the Courses tab.
2. To unenroll the user from an Expired course, locate the course and click the Unenroll button (2).
3. To enroll the user again and reset their expiration date, click the Enroll to course button.
4. A drawer will open on the right side of your screen. Click Enroll to course (4) next to the course you wish to assign back to your user.
Note: You can also reset a user's course expiration/time limit from the Users tab of the expired course itself, by unenrolling them and enrolling them back. This is a more suitable path when you wish to reset the expiration for more than one user, as all enrolled users will be listed in the same page. |
In addition, when a soft time limit is used (rather than a fixed expiration date), you’re able to extend a particular user’s time limit without this affecting the overall time limit applied to the course.
To update a user’s course expiration date/time limit:
1. Go to Users (1), select the user you want to update to open their profile information and go to the Courses tab.
2. To change the expiration date for an Expired course for your user, locate the course and click the Update expiration date button (2).
3. On the dialog box that pops up, specify the new date (3) and click Save.
To update the course expiration date/time limit for multiple users:
1. Go to Courses (1) and click on the course to view the enrolled users.
2. Hover over a user and click the checkbox next to their name. Repeat this step for each user until you've selected all the users you want to update.
3. Click Mass actions (2) and choose Change expiration date from the drop-down menu.4. In the dialog box that appears, specify the new date (3) and click Save.
Finally, you can completely remove the time limit from your course (from the Availability tab under the Course options drawer of your course), any time you want. When you do that, users that are already enrolled in that course will no longer see it as Expired and they'll be able to access it again.
Before you start working with time limits, you should also know that:
- When you change the time limit for a course, the expiration date changes automatically for users (i.e., Expiration date = enrollment date + time limit).
- If a course had expired for a user, and a new soft time limit was later applied to the course so that the expiration date moves to the future (i.e., Expiration date = enrollment date + time limit), the user’s Expired status is lifted and they can access the course again.
- When a course is accessible (not expired) for a user, and a new soft time limit is applied with an expiration date that’s already in the past (i.e., Expiration date = enrollment date + time limit), the user’s course status changes to Expired and their access is revoked.
- When a course with a time limit (rather than a fixed duration/expiration date) has another course listed in its learning path as a prerequisite, the time limit will not be activated until the Learner completes the prerequisite course.