TalentLMS lets you set time limits on courses to prompt users to complete them on time according to your training plan. However, when a user misses their deadline, you also have the option to extend it for them.
Here’s how to change a user’s course expiration date in four steps:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Instructor, go to Courses (1), and select the course for which you’d like to extend the deadline.
2. On the course’s Users tab, users who have missed their deadlines will have an Expired (2) label. Hover over a user and click the calendar icon (3) from the available options to the right.
3. In the following dialogue box, click the Expiration date (4) field and, from the pop-up calendar, choose a new deadline for the current user.
4. Click Save to update the user’s status.