TalentLMS lets you organize your users and courses in groups and assign one or more group courses to all group members with a single click.
A group can consist of users only, courses only, or both users and courses. Groups are a handy way to organize course assignments and manage your users and/or courses.
To create your first group, follow these steps:
1. Sign in to your TalentLMS account as an Administrator and go to Groups (1).
2. Click Add group (2).
Note: Instructors can also create groups from their dashboard. Administrators can see all groups. Instructors are able to see groups that they own. |
3. Type a distinct Name (3) (e.g., Startup courses) and a Description (4) for your new group.
4. If you want to sell courses associated with the group as a course bundle, click Price (5) and type your preferred amount.
Note: When you set a price for the group’s courses, they are automatically listed in the Bundles section of the course catalog. |
5. If you want users to be able to register themselves to the group, simply click Group key (6) to generate a self-registration key. Then, share the Group key with your users along with simple instructions on how to self-register (you’ll find instructions later in this article).
Note: You can replace the generated key by typing your own key in the Group key field. |
6. Click Save to complete the process.
How to add users to your group
After the new group has been added, you’re automatically taken to the Users tab (1) of your group. Here, you can add users as members and see and manage every member of the group.
1. Click the Add user button (2) to open the related drawer. This will show a list of all your users. The list can be filtered by branch.
2. Click the Add to group icon (3) next to a user to add the user to the group.
Note: You can add more users to your group at any time by clicking the Add to group button (4) under the Users tab. |
How to add courses to a group
1. Go to the Courses tab (1) to choose which courses you’d like to add to the group. From this tab, you’ll be able to see and manage your group courses.
2. Click the Add course button (2) to open the related drawer. This will show a list of all your courses.
3. Click the Add to group icon (3) next to a course to add the course to the group.
Note: You can add more courses to your group at any time by clicking the Add to group button (4) under the Courses tab. |
How to assign group courses to group members
Return to the Users tab of the group to assign the selected courses to group members.
When you add a new course or a new user to a group, the user(s) of the group will not be automatically enrolled in the group course(s). This is the intended functionality of the “Groups” feature, as it accounts for several use cases where it would not be desirable for courses to be automatically assigned. Enrollments require an extra action. However, the good news is that you can do it en masse - no need to enroll each user one by one.
- To assign all group courses to a specific group member, hover over the user and click the Add all remaining group courses to user icon (1) that will appear next to the user.
- To assign the courses to all group members at once, click Mass actions and choose Enroll users in group courses (2).
Note: If you need to unassign group courses from all members with one click, you can return to Mass actions and choose Unenroll users from group courses. |
How to activate the Group key for Learners
For users to be able to use the Group key, the relevant permission has to be active for their User type (e.g., Learner-Type). To activate it:
1. Go to Account & Settings > User types (1) and click the edit symbol (2) that will appear next to the User type you wish to update when you hover over it, e.g. Learner-Type.
2. On the multi-level nested list, under the Learner tree, click Course catalog to expand its respective permissions. If the Group key (3) permission isn’t activated, check it.
3. Click Save, and you’re all set. Your users can now join a group by using the Group key.
How can Learners join a group with a Group key
To use the Group key, a user has to:
1. Sign in to their TalentLMS account and hover over their name (1).
2. Select My groups (2), and a new window will open.
3. Click the Join group (3) button and Enter the Group key (4) in the relevant field.
4. Select Join group (5) to complete the action and get automatically enrolled in all of the group’s courses. The courses will appear in their dashboard.
What is a Group owner, and how to change the ownership of a group?
When an Administrator or an Instructor creates a new group, they become the owner of that group automatically. As mentioned earlier, Administrators are able to see every group in the portal, but Instructors are only able to see groups that they own. A user doesn’t need to be a member of a group to become its Group owner when the group is first created. However, you can only transfer the ownership of a group to a user who is a member of the group. To change the Group owner:
1. Go to Groups and open the group you wish to update.
2. Under the Users tab, hover over the user you wish to make the new group owner and click the Make user group owner icon (1) that will appear next to the user. Only Administrators and Instructors can become Group owners.